
Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Club Penguin has uploaded a new video to their youtube account! In this video, Club Penguin has it’s new Halloween commerical! Check it out below.
What do you think about this commercial?

Reviewed by you

Club Penguin - New Community Blog Post - Reviewed By You: Puffle Hats!

Hi there penguins!

Today, Billybob had created a new community blog post on the What's New blog for! What's today's post based on? Puffle Hats! Check it out.
Hello Penguins!

In our last Reviewed by You post, we asked you for your best Puffle Launch tips and tricks. We asked a game designer to pick his favorite trick from the comments. Here are a couple different tips you suggested:

Shadow1o12 said:

My advice would be if you see the cannon pointing up and nothing is there go up it. I did it once. I got lots of coins doing that and thats my advice for you. Isn't it awesome! So i do it all the time now. Waddle over to the pet shop and do it. Waddle on CP.

Chihang321 said:

Remember, During a boss level, you usually have to defeat a flying machine. Instead of hitting it from the bottom or the sides, you hit it from the top so gravity pulls your puffle down and allows you to do two or even three or even four hits in a row!

Thanks for sharing all the great Puffle Launch tricks!

For this Reviewed by You, we want to celebrate Halloween and Puffle Hats... We want you to describe the freakiest, strangest, zaniest Halloween-themed puffle hat you could possibly imagine!

Describe your creation in a comment below. Then next week, we'll randomly pick one of your inventions and a Club Penguin artist will draw it here on the blog!

Try to keep your comment as short as possible (50-75 words is best.) Can't wait to read all your comments!

Until then... Waddle On!
What do you think about this new post? Leave your comments and opinions below!

-Amazing Ali1

Monday, 17 October 2011


Hi! My name is Gary Cp2 I am a designer and I am not a member. I will work for this site! 


New post.

Hello Penguins! 

In our last Reviewed by You post, we asked you for your best Puffle Launch tips and tricks. We asked a game designer to pick his favorite trick from the comments. Here are a couple different tips you suggested: 

Shadow1o12 said: 
My advice would be if you see the cannon pointing up and nothing is there go up it. I did it once. I got lots of coins doing that and thats my advice for you. Isn't it awesome! So i do it all the time now. Waddle over to the pet shop and do it. Waddle on CP. 
Chihang321 said:
Remember, During a boss level, you usually have to defeat a flying machine. Instead of hitting it from the bottom or the sides, you hit it from the top so gravity pulls your puffle down and allows you to do two or even three or even four hits in a row! 

Thanks for sharing all the great Puffle Launch tricks!

For this Reviewed by You, we want to celebrate Halloween and Puffle Hats... We want you to describe the freakiest, strangest, zaniest Halloween-themed puffle hat you could possibly imagine! 

blog_111014.jpgDescribe your creation in a comment below. Then next week, we'll randomly pick one of your inventions and a Club Penguin artist will draw it here on the blog! 

Try to keep your comment as short as possible (50-75 words is best.) Can't wait to read all your comments! 

I'd choose a Frankenstein penguin hat mixed with a pirate, viking and roman hat!

What would yours be? Leave your answers in the comments!

Club Penguin - Membership Page Updated!

Hi there penguins!

Today, I realized that since Club Penguin was updating everything else, they must have updated their Membership page as well! My hunch was correct, Club Penguin has once again updated their Membership page. Check it out.

What's New

October is FULL of new features and spooky surprises for members!
  • Be the first to style your pet with all new Puffle Hats from the Puffle Catalog
  • Enter the Dark Chamber if you dare... and claim your slimy prize
  • Get the new Halloween costumes - from headless horsemen to unicorns
  • And coming in November: Prepare for an epic Card-Jitsu Party and tournament!
What do you think, penguins? Is this going to be Card-Jitsu Snow coming out? Leave your comments and opinions below about this!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

New field op

There is a new field op! 

It is at the hidden lake and here are the instructions on how to complete it:

Click on your Spy Phone.
Go to the EPF Command Room.
Head over to the EPF screen.
Read Gary’s message and click “Accept Field Ops”
After you do that, go to the Hidden Lake and stand in front of the waterfall on the left, like shown below.
Club Penguin Field Ops #51
Click on your Spy Phone and begin the mission!
Keep trying combinations until you get the right one. Be sure to keep the ones that you get correct the same throughout the mission! Green means that the certain symbol is correct. If it lights green, keep it the same throughout the mission. Yellow means that the symbol is correct but in the wrong place. Keep using the symbol until it turns green. Red means the symbol is wrong. Do not use it in that spot.
Club Penguin Field Ops #51
After you finish, you will get your medal....
... and a message from Dot will appear!
Club Penguin Field Ops #51
Congratulations! You have completed Field Ops 51!
Was this Field Op challenging? Leave a comment to let us know!

Puffle updates

Puffle Handler Tour & Puffle Updates!

When I went to check up on my puffle today, I was greeted by the Puffle Handler (PH)! PH gave me a tour of the updated puffle interface:

As you see, the puffle status have returned.

Also, there are now puffle notifications!

Excellent updates Club Penguin for more ways to have fun with my puffles!

- Amazing Ali1